Rain Ali Art Therapist

Rain Ali

Art Therapist & Early Childhood Educator

Rain experienced the world in the same way a lot of sensitive and sensory children do: highly-attuned to those around them, challenged by rigid educational and social systems and having a strong need for nature and natural environments. After spending the first half of her life trying to fit into the structures around her, she went on a journey that spanned everything from plant medicines and shamanism to religion and new age spirituality. These explorations took her to the edge of her psyche, landing her somewhere between non-dualism and heart-centred inquiry.

Over the past few years, she discovered that she had become the person that she needed growing up. The attunement, sensitivity and depth of feeling that once made being in the world really challenging, now guides her life’s work of supporting children to be the truest versions of themselves.

Rain’s practise is one that looks to decenter mental health as an individual problem and look to the familial, societal, cultural and systemic structures that create someone’s experiencing. Working predominantly with neurodivergent children and families, as well as with trauma, anxiety and depression – Rain’s focus is on co-regulation and creating new patterns of safety, learning and development versus ‘healing’ or ‘fixing’.

Rain uses the MIECAT method of therapeutic arts inquiry and is heavily influenced by the work of Aware Parenting, Sensorimotor Art Therapy, Synergetic Play Therapy, The Polyvagal Theory and more recently, the non-dual teachings of A.H. Almaas.

View Rain’s final year Master’s Art Project for more on her practise and philosophy

Outside of work you will find Rain drinking chai at a local cafe or up the Victorian Surf Coast.


Rain is an ANZACATA registered Arts Therapist with a Masters in Therapeutic Arts Practise (The Miecat Institute), Bachelor of Information Systems (Monash University) and a Graduate Certificate & Cert III in Early Childhood Education (Victoria University). She has worked across clinic and early childhood settings for the past three years, as well as having worked as a birth, postnatal and loss doula.

Rain has completed her Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Training & Remote Certification with Intergrated Listening a Psych-K® Facilitator and is currently training as a Clayfield Therapist (Institute of Sensorimotor Art Therapy). As well as commencing her Synergetic Play Therapy training in 2024.

Find out more info about Rain and her website: https://www.rainandmetherapy.au/

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